CiviCRM is a free contact/constituent relationship management (CRM) software for non-profit and other civic-sector organizations. Robust and highly customizable, CiviCRM does some amazing things right out of the box.
Unlike proprietary software, each new release of this open-source software reflects the real needs of its users as enhancements are continually given back to the community. Tadpole Collective is an Associate Partner of CiviCRM, and works closely with both the CiviCRM core team as well as our peers in the development community to build solutions that benefit everyone. After all, if it’s good enough for our clients, it’s good enough to share!
As experts on integration/implementation with WordPress, Founding Members Dana Skallman and Kevin Cristiano have become a prominent members of the CiviCRM community. Often asked to speak at events across the nation, they share not only source code and advice for developers, but are also adept at helping organizations get organized!
What are the benefits of using CiviCRM?
Implementing CiviCRM is a great opportunity for any organization to start thinking more strategically about the way it collects and uses contact information. Cumbersome paper processes can be eliminated, and greater insight into constituency activities — what events did they attend? which newsletters do they subscribe to? how much did they contribute to a given fundraising initiative? did they sign the last petition you distributed? — can be leveraged to reap significant time and cost savings. And it all happens using the same interface you use to manage your WordPress website.
Tadpole offers a unique CiviCRM LaunchPad, specifically tailored to the needs of smaller non-profits who might be seeking a website revamp and an affordable CRM system. We highly recommend a WordPress CiviCRM solution. Why pay ridiculous licensing fees every year when there is a product that is continually being improved upon and extended by the same people who use it?