Our Work

Garden Large

Garden Large

Duncan and Julia Brine at GardenLarge had a vision for their website, and they asked Tadpole to implement the design as a WordPress theme. The result is an elegant representation of their approach to landscaping: bold, but also functional. This is a great example of how Tadpole can take a standard WordPress theme, with open source…

Harlem Pride Logo

Harlem Pride

Harlem Pride already makes good use of CiviCRM on their WordPress website, but needed occasional support. Our CiviCRM Help Desk plans gives them the flexibility they need to focus their attention on their mission. From the client: The WordPress/CiviCRM integration is still rather new and there aren’t that many specialists out there. When we searched for a consultant…

Horn Farm Center

Horn Farm Center

Horn Farm Center uses CiviCRM to accept donations and manage event registration.  Tadpole provides them with ongoing CiviCRM support through our CiviCRM Help Desk plan. From the client: We found Tadpole when looking for affordable on-call resources when we needed assistance with specific tasks and issues. We found the Tadpole team to be knowledgeable about…

FiDi Families

FiDi Families

Advertisers make demands on website publishers that sometimes go beyond what a solo site operator can manage. The publisher of FiDi Families uses Tadpole’s a la carte Help Desk plans to keep her high-traffic site running smoothly.

New York Writers Coalition CiviCRM/WordPress implementation

New York Writers Coalition

The New York Writers Coalition runs on a shoestring budget with limited staff, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need a beautiful, functional website to tell the world about their mission!  Tadpole’s WordPress Launch Pad offered a solution. Tadpole provided training so that everyone in the office can pitch in to keep the content fresh; they…

screenshot of artswestchester.org directory page

Westchester Arts Council (ArtsW)

The Westchester Arts Council (aka Arts Westchester or “ArtsW”) was already using WordPress for website content management when they approached Tadpole Collective, but they were fast outgrowing some of the features that had been hard-coded into the original site’s design. They were also seeking to simplify a tedious internal process: keeping data in sync between half a dozen databases that track the…

Jezebel Productions

Jezebel Productions

The Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmakers at Jezebel Productions needed a website to showcase their work and sell direct-to-consumer DVDs and downloads. We developed a simple theme and customized WordPress to allow for basic e-commerce functionality through PayPal.